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OrCAD 17.2 PCB Design Tutorial - Revising Netlist and Footprints in a Pre-Made PCB Design
OrCAD 17.2 Question Tutorial - How to Update a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design To a New Version
Crafting Unique Footprints with OrCAD Lite 17.2: Comprehensive Overview
OrCAD PCB Design Tutorial 15 | Create a Netlist and Place Components | Tech Ed Kirsch
PCB Design Tutorial_33 Orcad Pcb Editor Pre Made Footprint Placement
OrCAD PCB Design Tutorial 06 | How to find pre-made footprints | Tech Ed Kirsch
ORCAD CAPTURE TUTORIAL 01 [How To Create a Netlist]
Part 7 - Wrapping Up: Accessing and Utilizing Pre-Made Footprints
OrCAD 17.2 PCB Design Tutorial: Creating a 3D PCB Model in OrCAD Lite 17.2
OrCAD for Students: Footprints and the Netlist (Board) File (Lecture 3)
OrCAD Allegro PCB Tutorial - 04: Capturing Netlists for Effective Design Integration
PCB Design Tutorial_35 Orcad Sch Netlist Creation